Pill Vial Recycling Program
We’re thrilled to announce our newest initiative, motivated by the Love Our Oceans Project and our steadfast dedication to environmental sustainability.
At Fraserview Veterinary Hospital, we recognize the significance of lessening our environmental impact. It’s with this in mind that we’ve created our Pill Vial Recycling Program, which offers a practical and rewarding avenue for you to recycle your pet’s used pill vials.
Getting involved in our program is a breeze. During your upcoming visit, simply inquire with one of our amiable client services staff members to register for the program. Once you’re registered, your task is straightforward – bring your used pill vials to our clinic and deposit them in the specifically marked recycling bin. After you’ve returned 10 vials, we’ll acknowledge your commendable eco-friendly actions by applying a $5 credit to your account.

To extend this program further, we’re happy to provide each participant with a reusable collection bag, made entirely from recycled materials, to gather your pet’s empty pill vials. We welcome pill vials of all shapes and sizes, encompassing everything from antibiotics to dietary supplements. Just ensure that each vial is completely empty and cleaned out before depositing it in your collection bag, so our recycling efforts can be as efficient as possible.
Your involvement doesn’t just benefit the environment; it positively influences your pet’s healthcare too. Each set of 10 vials returned results in a $5 credit that you can utilize for any product or service at our hospital.
Furthermore, to commemorate every participant who returns 100 pill vials, we’ve pledged to plant a tree via our alliance with a local reforestation initiative. This initiative solidifies our commitment to a healthier, greener planet.
Encourage friends and family to get involved too. The more pet owners participate, the greater our collective environmental impact.
Our Pill Vial Recycling Program demonstrates how small, concerted efforts can create meaningful change within our community and beyond. Thank you for joining us in this sustainability endeavor. Together, we can foster a healthier habitat for all, including our beloved pets.